We cannot turn back time, but we can grow forests, revive water sources, and bring back soils. We are the generation that can make peace with land. – www.worldenvironmentday.global
The United Nations World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5 to encourage awareness and action for protection of the environment.
Join #RestorationGeneration to care for lands where you live! Check out all the ways to get involved in Dane County and Southern Wisconsin between June 1-8, 2024:
UW Madison Arboretum
June 1, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., ecological restoration work party, Wingra Oak Savanna. Volunteer for restoration activities and learn about prairies and savannas. Tools and training provided. Meet at Arbor Dr. parking lot, off Monroe St. More information: (608) 265-5214 or marian.farrior@wisc.edu.
Friends of Stewart Lake Park
June 1, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m., ecological restoration work party. Stewart Lake County Park. Volunteer with remnant prairie restoration. Tools and training provided. Meet at the dead end of Blue View Drive in Mount Horeb. More information: (608) 628-1887 or saltes@mhtc.net
Dane County Parks
June 4, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., invasive weed workday. Yahara Heights County Park. Volunteer to pull invasive weeds in a prairie restoration. Tools and training provided. Meet at the intersection of Caton Ln and Riverview Dr. in Waunakee. More information: (608) 286-9497 or higdon.lars@danecounty.gov
Madison Parks
June 5th 12:30-2:30, Oak woodland restoration workday at Arbor Hills. Join Madison parks ecology team in pulling woodland weeds such as garlic mustard and Dames rocket out of a recently cleared oak woodland.
Dane County Parks
June 7, 8 a.m. – 11 a.m., invasive weed workday. Halfway Prairie Wildlife Area. Volunteer to pull invasive weeds in a prairie restoration. Tools and training provided. Meet at 8200 WI-19, Cross Plains, WI 53528. More information: (608) 286-9497 or higdon.lars@danecounty.gov
Friends of Lower Mud Lake Natural Resource Area
June 7, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., ecological restoration workday. Lower Mud Lake Natural Resource Area. Volunteer with prairie and savanna restoration. Tools and training provided. Meet at Hidden Farm Rd in McFarland. More information: (608) 345-2026 or kepease@gmail.com
Waubesa Wetlands State Natural Area
June 7, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m., invasive removal. Work on restoring an oak woodland at the edge of this large wetland complex south of Lake Waubesa. Remove invasives like garlic mustard. Tools and training provided. Meet at Nature Conservancy parking lot on Lawlor Road. Google pin. More information: (608) 228-4349 or Jared.Urban@wisconsin.gov.
Dane County Parks
June 7, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., prairie volunteer workday. Lussier Family Heritage Center. Volunteer to restore the prairie surrounding the education building. Tools and training provided. More information: percy.mather@gmail.com
UW Madison Arboretum
June 8, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., ecological restoration work party, Core Area and Curtis Prairie Volunteer for restoration activities and learn about prairies and savannas. Tools and training provided. Meet at Arbor Dr. parking lot, off Monroe St. More information: (608) 265-5214 or marian.farrior@wisc.edu.Watershed Assoc
Madison Parks
June 8, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., volunteer workday, Turville Point Conservation Park, to remove invasive species and learn about woodland restoration including prescribed grazing. Tools and training provided. Meet at Turville Point Conservation Park parking lot, 1202 Olin-Turville Court. More information: (608) 267-4918 or emccune@cityofmadison.com.
Upper Sugar River Watershed Association
June 1, 10am, A Walk in the Weeds and Wildflowers, Monticello Public Library. Join the Friends of the Badger and Sugar River State Trails group along with the Upper Sugar River Watershed, South Central Invasive Species Partnership, and the Prairie Enthusiasts for this education event about invasive species along the trail. This event will begin at the Monticello Public Library with an introduction to native and invasive species and how to identify them. The event will move to the trails for a scavenger hunt and hike. Learn how to identify invasive species like parsnip and buckthorn. We will be discussing best practice for managing invasive species, and the impact of invasive species on the trail ecosystem, endangered plants, and bird life. More information: (309)-883-6011 or jasmine@uppersugar.org.
Upper Sugar River Watershed Association
June 2, 7am – 2:30pm, Rob’s Sugar River Ramble, Seven Acre Dairy, Paoli WI. This is the 10th Anniversary of Rob’s Sugar River Ramble! Connect with the Upper Sugar River Watershed by land and water as you cycle or hike through the beautiful countryside beginning in Paoli, WI and ending at the Sugar River Wildlife Area Davidson Unit, then paddle the sparkling Sugar River until you return to your starting point in Paoli, WI. After the event join your fellow participants at Seven Acre Dairy, located right on the Sugar River, for a locally-sourced picnic, a raffle, booths demonstrating our Community Science programs, and live music from 11 am – 2 pm. New this year we have options to attend just the picnic at Seven Acre Dairy! The picnic option allows friends and family to join you after your paddle for lunch, live music, the raffle, exploring the Community Science Booths, and a fun day in downtown Paoli. It’s also a great way for those who wish to support Upper Sugar, but aren’t interested in the athletic activities, to attend and enjoy the event too. This will be an event to remember! Register at https://uppersugar.org/Calendar_of_Events. More information: (309)-883-6011 or jasmine@uppersugar.org.
Dane County Parks
June 2 – Learn to Paddle – https://lussierheritagecenter.com/Event/Detail/1873
Dane County Parks
June 3 – Lil’ Explorer Adventure – https://lussierheritagecenter.com/Event/Detail/1742
Haskell Noyes Woods State Natural Area (Fond du Lac County, WI)
June 1, 9 a.m. – noon, garlic mustard pull. Search a high-quality woods for garlic mustard. Tools and training provided. Meet at the Haskell Noyes parking lot. Google pin. More information: (920) 533-8939 or connieramthun@gmail.com.
Kohler Park Dunes State Natural Area (Sheboygan County, WI)
June 1, 9 a.m. – noon, honeysuckle removal. Remove invasive honeysuckle on the dunes near the beach on Lake Michigan. Tools and training provided. Meet at the Sanderling Nature Center parking lot. Google pin. RSVP required at (920) 980-9054 or to Mollie at emt_mmt@yahoo.com.
Hogback Prairie State Natural Area (Crawford County, WI)
June 5&6, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., come for all or part of the day. Planting violet plugs in restored prairie to serve as host plants for butterflies. Bring your favorite garden digging tool. Meet at the parking lot near the silo on Citron Valley Road. Google pin: https://maps.app.goo.gle/EhRCDoJrhb2EXo7R9. There is limited cell reception at Hogback so please map ahead of time! More information: (608) 228-3016 or katie.pribnow@wisconsin.gov.
Kettle Moraine Oak Opening State Natural Area (Jefferson County, WI)
June 8, 9 a.m. – noon, invasive removal. Work on restoring a diverse oak opening inside this large woodland. Remove aggressive natives like aspen and sumac. Tools and training provided. Meet at the junction of the Ice Age Trail and Young Road. Google pin. More information: (608) 228-4349 or Jared.Urban@wisconsin.gov.
Spruce Lake Bog State Natural Area (Fond du Lac County, WI)
June 8, 9 a.m. – noon, reed canary grass removal. Work on restoring areas adjacent to a bog more characteristic of northern WI than southern WI. Bring knee boots and bug spray. Tools and training provided. Meet at the parking lot off airport road. Google pin. More information: (920) 533-8939 or connieramthun@gmail.com.