Apply for a Use, Teaching, & Research Permit

A student wearing waders stands in Willow Creek up to his waist and collects a water sample while another student in waders watches from the shore.
Biocore students collect water samples from Willow Creek. Photo by Cathie Bruner.

We encourage the use of the Preserve, especially for teaching and research, but we need to protect the biological, cultural, and archaeological resources of the landscape in accordance with the Preserve’s educational mission and UW policies. Therefore, we ask potential users of the Preserve to apply for a Use, Teaching, and Research permit.

Permits allow us to:

  • Minimize conflicts between users, to control unsuitable uses, and to coordinate your project with campus security and restoration activities
  • Share with UW administration the valuable role the Preserve serves as an outdoor laboratory on campus
  • Archive and share data about the Preserve by asking all permit holders to submit a short annual report

If you have questions or need more information, please contact the Lakeshore Nature Preserve Director at or 608-265-9275.


Who Needs a Permit?

Students observe a researcher banding a songbird.
Photo by Alison Duff.

If you plan to use the Preserve as a venue for a public event, to host a private class, if you collect fees for an activity, or as a regular meeting location, please complete the form below to apply for a permit. You may be asked later to provide insurance information. Please note, there may be other uses, not listed above, that require a permit. If in doubt, please contact the Preserve Director at or 608-265-9275.

If you plan to teach or conduct research in the Preserve, please complete the form below to apply for a permit. This includes one-time, short-term, or long-term (more than 1 year) teaching or research projects.

  • Projects that involve passive observation or data collection from trails and roads require 1 week lead time for acknowledgement.
  • Projects that involve the collection of organisms, off-trail trampling or minor disruption, or changes to vegetation, animals, soils, or hydrology are subject to approval. Please allow up to 2 weeks lead time for approval.
  • Please re-register your activity each semester/summer session you use the Preserve.

You will need the following information to complete the application:

  1. Use/teaching/research description
  2. Possible impacts and precautions (if any)
  3. Desired use/teaching/research location
  4. List of unattended equipment (if any)
  5. Vehicle information (if requesting use)
  6. Supervising instructor/advisor contact information (if applicable)

Please review the Teaching and Research Policy before completing the form. Fill out the following form as completely as possible. When it is completed, hit “Submit permit application”.

Note: After you hit “Submit Permit Application” button, wait for the page to refresh, then scroll down the page to confirm the application was submitted successfully.


Permit Application

  • Note:

    Fields with an asterisk * are required.
  • Students, please complete the following section

  • Timeline

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Use/Teaching/Research Information

  • Vehicle Use

    Only authorized motorized vehicles are permitted. Their use must be kept to a minimum and restricted to paved and gravel roads. Vehicle permits are issued by the Preserve Director.
  • Permit Terms

    By signing below you agree to do the following (for more information read the Teaching and Research Policy):
    -Submit an end of project report or, for multiyear projects, an annual progress report
    -Put permit number on all equipment or items left on site
    -Remove all equipment or items from the Preserve at the completion of the activity
    -Help steward Preserve lands and report any concerns during the use/teaching/research activity
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Note: After you hit "Submit Permit Application" button, wait for page to refresh, then scroll down page to confirm application was submitted successfully.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.