Do you visit the Preserve often? Do you like purposeful exercise? Do you want to help the Preserve while you experience the beauty of the campus natural areas?
Consider becoming a Preserve Trail Monitor!
Trail Monitors are needed to travel the Preserve trails regularly (once a week) during the warmer months of the year to check on trail and sign conditions.
Trail monitors will:
- Pick up litter and remove smaller branches and other debris on the trail
- Report any hazardous trail conditions including severe erosion, trees on trails or obvious tree hazards over trails, especially after big storms
- Check trailhead and directional signs for damage or graffiti and prune vegetation to keep them visible
- Cut back vegetation growing out into the trail
- Be courteous to Preserve visitors
- Dress appropriately for outdoor work and protect self from sun exposure and insects
If you are interested please contact the Preserve Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator