233 Birds Species Observed at 11 eBird Hot Spots in 2022

A Pileated woodpecker forages in Bill’s Woods. Photo by David Liebl.

Birder and Faculty Emeritus in the College of Engineering David Liebl compiled a list of the 233 bird species observed at the eleven eBird Hot Spots in the Lakeshore Nature Preserve during 2022. This list includes all species reported by all birders during the year. View or download the list of bird species.

eBird is a free program that allows you to keep track of your bird lists, explore the latest bird sightings (around the world!) and provides the opportunity to contribute to science and conservation.

eBird Hot Spots in the Lakeshore Nature Preserve:

  1. Eagle Heights Community Gardens
  2. University Bay (Madison)
  3. UW Lakeshore Nature Preserve (general)
  4. UW Lakeshore Nature Preserve–Bill’s Woods
  5. UW Lakeshore Nature Preserve–Biocore Prairie
  6. UW Lakeshore Nature Preserve–Class of 1918 Marsh
  7. UW Lakeshore Nature Preserve–Frautschi Point
  8. UW Lakeshore Nature Preserve–Lakeshore Path (general)
  9. UW Lakeshore Nature Preserve–Muir Woods
  10. UW Lakeshore Nature Preserve–Picnic Point
  11. UW Lakeshore Nature Preserve–Willow Creek Woods/Willow Beach