Art and Anthropology Kilns

The Anthropology Department operates a simple earthen kiln at this location to fire ceramics as part of a course on ancient technologies. The finished ceramics are buried in an adjacent pit for subsequent excavation and analysis so students can observe weathering processes that result from burial.

The Art Department also operates a single-chambered wood-fired anagama kiln here for students to learn and practice a traditional Japanese method for firing and glazing ceramics.

Read about the Ancient Technology and Invention class in the News

Ancient Technology and Invention students build a clay kiln each summer. Photo by Cathie Bruner.
Students create and fire pottery in the clay kiln to learn how artifacts were made. Photo by Cathie Bruner.
A student loads the Art Department Anagama kiln. Photo by William Cronon.
This sign at the Archaeology lab states, “This is an experimental classroom area.” Photo by William Cronon.