Project proposals can be submitted for capital improvements, funding assistance, or maintenance support within the Lakeshore Nature Preserve’s 300 acres of natural areas. Proposals may be submitted by faculty, staff, students, student organizations, or community members. Proposals …
News Archive
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We want to hear from you at the Preserve Stakeholder Meeting
Save the date for the first of two Preserve Stakeholder meetings on October 1, 2019 at 5:00pm. Staff will present a 6-month status report on the 2019 work plan and take comments and questions from stakeholders …
Working-class heroes
The Isthmus featured an article by Erica Krug on the AmeriCorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps) assigned to the Lakeshore Nature Preserve for two weeks in June. The team of nine men and women cleared …
Use of Hammocks, Slacklines, and Rope Swings Not Allowed in the Preserve
With spring came a resurgence of people using hammocks in the Lakeshore Nature Preserve. It may seem like an ideal place to relax in one, however, their use is not allowed in the Preserve. Here’s …
Tom Brock, long time supporter of the Preserve, receives honorary degree
Congratulations to Tom Brock on being awarded an honorary Doctor of Science Degree from the University of Wisconsin for his lifetime achievements! Tom and Kathie Brock are long-time supporters of the Lakeshore Nature Preserve as …
Hiring – Seasonal Natural Areas Technician
We are currently accepting applications for a seasonal Natural Areas Technician. This position assists in land stewardship and grounds maintenance activities in the Lakeshore Nature Preserve of the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. The position requires …
Spring 2019 E-Newsletter: Dedicated to Our Volunteers and Donors
Read the latest about the Preserve in the Spring 2019 Lakeshore Nature Preserve E-Newsletter. Our spring issue is dedicated to the volunteers and donors who give their time and resources to support the Preserve–the name …
Lakeshore Nature Preserve embarks on strategic planning process
The UW-Madison’s Lakeshore Nature Preserve is embarking on a comprehensive strategic planning process to help guide the use and on-going management of the Preserve over the next 10+ years. The goals of the strategic planning …
Hiring – Seasonal Invasive Species Specialist
We are currently accepting applications for a seasonal Invasive Species Specialist. This position assists in land stewardship activities, with an emphasis on invasive species management and volunteer development in the Lakeshore Nature Preserve on the University …
18th Annual Friends of the Lakeshore Nature Preserve Meeting
You’re invited to hear keynote speaker Dr. Matt Reetz, Executive Director of the Madison Audubon Society, talk about the incredible lives of migratory birds at the Friends of the Lakeshore Nature Preserve Annual Meeting. The …